The Jed and Bonnie Flynn and their family are second generation market farmers. We have been farming full time since 2008. Caleb is currently planning on being a third generation market farmer. Ian and Anna love to spend quality time on the farm as well.
Jed’s parents started to market farm when he was just a teen. Jed actually planted our orchard with his parents. Not an easy, or fun task as a teen. But Jed was blessed an amazing green thumb, and he loves caring for plants and animals. You will find Jed working the behind the scenes caring for the orchard and gardens, and if he isn’t caring for those plants he is harvesting the bounty that they have produced. He also does appear at market, and enjoys discussing our products with many customers and of course playing the game of “what kind of apple is on my backyard tree?”
I (Bonnie) love planning the garden, seed starting, harvesting, and selling our produce. You will tend to find me working at the Mancelona Farmers Marker, when I am not working off the farm at my full time job. I also manage the Mancelona Farmers Market. Anna and I are the ones behind most of our social media posts as well.
As a whole we all love to be outside. When we are not working we enjoy cooking, camping, the guys all enjoy fishing, Anna loves most crafts, and Jed and I enjoy reading as well. We love to spend time together, for the most part, and hope you enjoy reading about our adventures farming, cooking, and having fun.
~ Bonnie